In late 2016, a vision was created for…
An iconic multi-functional centre that is a major new attraction for Chinatown (Broome), interactively showcasing the full diversity and depth of Broome and the Kimberley region’s people, natural history, art and culture for visitors and locals.
The vision was created by a Working Group, represented by:
- Nyamba Buru Yawuru (NBY)
- Kimberley Development Commission
- Shire of Broome
- LandCorp
- Tourism WA
- WA Museum
- Offers an experience that challenges and inspires visitors’ understanding and appreciation of Broome and the Kimberley regions history, cultures and society
- Covers all aspects of Broome and the Kimberley region’s art culture and natural history, Indigenous, Multicultural, European, Pearling and Pastoral and other industries
- Provides the opportunity for all members of the Kimberley community to showcase their art, culture and history
- Hosts a variety of cultural programs and events which may include history, art and culture displays, performances, presentations, travelling exhibitions and other events
- Incorporates ancillary commercial activities (for example – commercial art and culture, food and drink, conferences visitor servicing and functions)
Is situated in or adjacent to Chinatown and easily found
- Is open and attracting customers during the entire year and during the day, evening and on weekends
- Operates under a sound sustainable governance structure
- Operates on a sustainable financial basis
- Encourages art and culture tourism beyond Broome to other destinations in the Kimberley
- Is viewed with pride by all sectors of Broome’s and the Kimberley’s community.
- Helps to strengthen and sustain Yawuru and other indigenous cultures of the Kimberley region
- Is an attraction of global and national significance that is itself a primary reason to visit and stay longer in Broome and the Kimberley
The Working Group have accessed funding from Royalties for Regions and Tourism WA to prepare a feasibility study to determine:
- What kind of stories and experiences could be created?
- Where in Broome could the Centre be located?
- Who should own and who should operate the Centre?
- How much might a Centre cost to create, and then operate?
- Is it feasible, and if so, who might fund it?
To address these questions, the Working Group contracted:
- Simon McArthur and Associates (SMA), a tourism consultancy experienced in cultural tourism and feasibilities; and
- Nyamba Buru Yawuru (NBY), to manage Aboriginal communication and consultation throughout the Kimberley.
1.Inception and Project establishment
2. Situation analysis
3. Concept development
4.Feasibility Study
5. Business Case

1. Inception and Project establishment
We review existing plans and research, organise communications and consultation for Phase 2.
(scheduled for April – May 2017)
2. Situation analysis
Ask for stories and ideas for experiences, benchmark best practice, investigate potential governance models, sites and funding sources.
(scheduled for May – July 2017)
3. Concept development
Activate digital ideas board for stakeholders, second round of consultation for ideas refinement, evaluate sites and choose stories and ideas for feasibility.
(scheduled for August – October 2017)
4. Feasibility Study
Determine development costs, operating forecasts and risks, write up feasibility report, third round of consultation on feasibility, choose whether to proceed to Business Case.
(scheduled for November 2017 – January 2018)
5. Business Case
Appoint an architect, define development costs, forecasts, governance model, write up Business Case to pursue funding.
(scheduled for February – April 2018)
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